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Hochkarätige Fachveranstaltungen

Diese bieten neben Inspiration und Information auch eine erstklassige Plattform für intensives Netzwerken.
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8. International NEXT Façade Summit

Architektur, die Maßstäbe setzt Zum Rückblick

Innovationen. Netzwerken. Inspiration.

Das NEXT Studio by WICONA + Partners ist die einzigartige Informations- und Kommunikationsplattform der Architektur- und Fassadenbranche. Ganz nach dem Motto: „See what‘s NEXT“ präsentieren die NEXT Partner in Frankfurt zukunftsweisende und nachhaltige Konzepte rund um die Technik und Architektur der Gebäudehülle. Zudem bietet das NEXT Studio einen erstklassigen Rahmen für hochkarätige Fachveranstaltungen und intensives Netzwerken. Der perfekte Raum für Innovationen und Inspiration – und ein echter „Think Tank“ für Projektentwickler, Architekten, Fassadenplaner, Metallbau-Unternehmen und Studenten.

Lassen auch Sie sich begeistern!

20220401 NEXT After Work 0143 2022 09 18 144818
20230615 NEXT 8 Fachdialog Fassadenplanung 0178
20220704 NEXT Sommerfest 0393 1 3
20230615 NEXT 8 Fachdialog Fassadenplanung 0103
20220727 NEXT 5 Int NEXT Facade Summit 0066
20230307 NEXT 7 Int NEXT Facade Session 00071
20230126 NEXT Clubbing 0201
20221018 NEXT Fachdialog Fassadenplanung LICH Tgestalten 0094
20230307 NEXT 7 Int NEXT Facade Session 0007
20221115 NEXT 6 International NEXT Facade Summit 0163
20230615 NEXT 8 Fachdialog Fassadenplanung 0072
20230322 NEXT Virtuelles Bau Training 0004


Höchste Ansprüche an Funktionalität und Design: Das ist es, wofür unsere NEXT Partner stehen. Jedes einzelne Unternehmen gehört zu den Markt- und Innovationsführern in seinem Bereich, entwickelt zukunftsweisende Produkte und Systeme für ein umweltgerechtes Bauen der Zukunft. Konzentrierte Kompetenz, die Synergien schafft und Innovationsgeist fördert.

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Was bewegt die Branche? Was sind die wichtigsten Trends rund um Architektur, nachhaltiges Bauen und die Gebäudehülle? Auf unseren exklusiven Fachveranstaltungen erfahren Sie es – von renommierten Speakern und anerkannten Experten. Das NEXT Studio bietet die ideale Plattform für praxisgerechte Weiterbildung und entspanntes Networking auf Augenhöhe. Erleben Sie das Ambiente im NEXT Studio und sichern Sie sich echten Wissensvorsprung!



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NEXT Facade and Design Studio

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60314 Frankfurt am Main

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6. International NEXT Facade Summit presents innovative architectural concepts

Noteworthy sustainable building envelopes and architectural projects from all over the world were the focus of the International NEXT Facade Summit at the NEXT Studio by WICONA + Partners in Frankfurt on November 15, 2022. Leading experts from well-known design firms offered insights into their work and demonstrated the essentials of planning and constructing complex buildings and facades in global markets.

Transforming sustainability from the past into the future

To start off this hybrid event, which was moderated for the first time by Arvind Kumar (Hydro Building Systems Middle East), one of the fascinating questions Benjamin Beer (Managing Director and Head of Façades at Werner Sobek's Dubai branch) addressed was: Which sustainable building concepts of the past can we apply to the present and future? As an example, the expert mentioned the wind towers developed centuries ago in the Middle East for the natural cooling of buildings. Benjamin Beer outlined how this proven concept can be applied to current architecture, using the giant Al Mishrak Canopy shopping center (Riyadh) as an example. The combination of protection from the sun’s rays and a sophisticated wind tower system that channels the wind to cool the mall provides excellent thermal comfort. The speaker also presented a number of impressive projects, such as the shading systems developed by Werner Sobek for the World Expo 2020 in Dubai and the KÖ Bogen II building complex in Düsseldorf. The building's green facade makes an important contribution to improving the microclimate on and inside the building.


The contextual approach: great places for people

Next, the senior partner and project architect at Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects (SHL, Copenhagen), Sveinung Chercka-Simonsen, explained the international firm's basic working methods. The firm focuses on an overarching methodology or DNA and a flexible "construction toolbox" of materials and designs. Depending on the project, these tools are adapted to the local environment and culture. What is the goal? "We want to create great places for living, dwelling and human interaction." The architect used current examples to illustrate what this looks like in practice. The Vendsyssel Theater in Hjørring, Denmark, for example, fits into the urban environment as a cultural axis while functioning as a new, living organism in the city. In line with SHL's philosophy, the concept was based on five main themes: integration, openness, functionality, flexibility and relevance. Another highlight: the VIA in Oslo. With its intelligent mix of stores, offices and parking facilities, this building complex directly on the fjord is already regarded as a new symbol of the city and a prime example of sustainability. The BREEAM-certified new building includes a Closed Cavity façade by WICONA. By the way, the K8 building complex in the center of Stavanger also has a Closed Cavity façade by WICONA, which was also presented. The core of this innovative project is a 16-story tower with 15,000 square meters of flexible space for offices, restaurants, exhibitions and conferences.


Iterative and integrative to livable buildings

This was followed by a presentation by Christian Eichinger of KSP Engel. The architect and head of the Munich-based firm kicked things off by outlining the basic working methods of the internationally firm. "We attach great importance to iterative and integrative work." This means that a precise definition of the problem is followed by an in-depth analysis – and based on these findings, the firm's multidisciplinary team develops the optimal solution. Using impressive projects, such as the National Library of China in Beijing, he demonstrated how this approach can be successfully put into practice. The Meixi Urban Helix project in Changsha looks futuristic. The Meixi Urban Helix rises above an artificial island on Meixi Lake and has an area of around 20,000 square meters and consists of an accessible ramp that spirals upward. Another outstanding project: the Great Mosque of Algiers. In addition to architectural and planning expertise required to build the mosque, perseverance was also essential. After winning the design competition in 2008, KSP Engel wasn't able to successfully complete the huge structure until 2022, after a long and dynamic planning and construction process.

Responsible design for a holistic solution

Finally, Giuseppe La Ferla of Chapman Taylor Global Architects and Masterplanners in Madrid, a project architect with international experience, addressed the audience. The aim of his firm is to find innovative solutions by intelligently combining creativity, a multidisciplinary approach, customer orientation and sustainability – from the first sketch to the finished project. The focus is on responsible design, the speaker said. This means creating a design that takes into account the well-being of people, the location of the project and the needs of the planet. In this context, Giuseppe La Ferla presented a number of the firm's projects and provided detailed insights into facade design and construction. Among the examples mentioned were the Cinco District modern office and residential tower in Lisbon, the visual and energy renovation of the Los Cubos office building in Madrid and the futuristic Airport City in Jeddah.

Watch the entire event on YouTube

The recording of the event is available at or on the NEXT Studio by WICONA + Partners channel on YouTube.